2025 Lane Glo New Years Day Sweeper 2025
Standings for Lane Glo New Years Day Sweeper 2025

Handicap Elim
Sorted by: last game
Handicap Elim 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap
1 Dick Kanatzar 243 (221) 246 (224) 269 (247) 300 (278) 243 (221) 1191 1301
2 Brady Hart 243 (215) 263 (235) 241 (213) 304 (276) 238 (210) 1149 1289
3 Justin Paxton 248 (248) 208 (208) 241 (241) 300 (300) 227 (227) 1224 1224
4 Lenny Solt 232 (232) 200 (200) 256 (256) 256 (256) 215 (215) 1159 1159
5 Nicholas Swank 236 (215) 259 (238) 234 (213) 274 (253) 190 (169) 1088 1193
6 Karlee Blankenship 231 (152) 222 (143) 272 (193) 248 (169) 657 973 elim
7 Austin Andrews 217 (217) 219 (219) 256 (256) 246 (246) 938 938 elim
8 Peter Ali 237 (212) 237 (212) 221 (196) 229 (204) 824 924 elim
9 Rich Lancaster 217 (217) 202 (202) 233 (233) 206 (206) 858 858 elim
10 Scott Leighly 219 (200) 200 (181) 230 (211) 188 (169) 761 837 elim
11t Christina Crain 207 (117) 242 (152) 215 (125) 394 664 elim
11t Alex Reuille 257 (199) 236 (178) 215 (157) 534 708 elim
13 Dartanya HausBurg 256 (215) 210 (169) 212 (171) 555 678 elim
14 Corey Green 204 (180) 204 (180) 207 (183) 543 615 elim
15 Greg Blankenship 225 (225) 279 (279) 196 (196) 700 700 elim
16 Duke Crouch 204 (204) 213 (213) 190 (190) 607 607 elim
17 Carmine Ferrraro 209 (209) 232 (232) 180 (180) 621 621 elim
18 Jeff Roberson 209 (190) 194 (175) 365 403 elim
19 Jamee Harris 209 (194) 192 (177) 371 401 elim
20 Crystal Stutler 226 (214) 190 (178) 392 416 elim
21t Patrick McCarthy 269 (269) 179 (179) 448 448 elim
21t Dan Utter 210 (183) 179 (152) 335 389 elim
23 Dylan VanNess 238 (195) 166 (123) 318 404 elim
24 Bailey Purcell 195 (195) 195 195 elim
25 Calvin Godwin 191 (168) 168 191 elim
26 Matt Morgan 189 (153) 153 189 elim
27 Justin McLane 186 (186) 186 186 elim
28t Michael Daugherty 179 (176) 176 179 elim
28t Steven Boynton 179 (158) 158 179 elim
30 Michael Reich 153 (135) 135 153 elim