2025 HDCP 5 GAMER>Jan
Standings for HDCP 5 GAMER>Jan

Hdcp Eliminator (2-4)
Sorted by: last game
Hdcp Eliminator (2-4) 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Ismail Yusuf 258 (245) 272 (259) 227 (214) 280 (267) 985 1037 $50.00
2 Robert Hylton 233 (233) 254 (254) 279 (279) 258 (258) 1024 1024 elim
3 Melissa Ramirez 268 (256) 215 (203) 226 (214) 673 709 elim
4 John Pfleshinger 237 (203) 249 (215) 201 (167) 585 687 elim
5 Robert Wukasch 250 (239) 180 (169) 408 430 elim
6 Jerry Mikulanec 242 (234) 169 (161) 395 411 elim