2024 Palm Beach County Match Play
Standings for Palm Beach County Match Play

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Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Points Scratch
1 Charlie Forero 0 (242) 0 (193) 0 (248) 0 683
2 Zach Jassenoff 0 (212) 0 (234) 0 (204) 0 650
3 Brandon Bohn 0 (205) 0 (228) 0 (190) 0 623
4 Jeremy Mooney 0 (202) 0 (211) 0 (175) 0 588
5 Jeff Piroozshad 0 (166) 0 (256) 0 (152) 0 574
6 David Brown 0 (169) 0 (190) 0 (211) 0 570
7 Jamal Kahok 0 (181) 0 (178) 0 (203) 0 562
8 Kevin DiCicco 0 (188) 0 (193) 0 (152) 0 533
9 Bryan Murphy 0 (207) 0 (170) 0 (153) 0 530
10 Jason Booke 0 (147) 0 (157) 0 (203) 0 507
11 Garrett Thompson 0 (182) 0 (171) 0 (141) 0 494
12 Joey Colon 0 (199) 0 (128) 0 (138) 0 465
See individual results