2023 3/17 Handicap Eliminator
Standings for 3/17 Handicap Eliminator

Survivor (unofficial)
Sorted by: subtotal game 2
Survivor 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Nate Purches 248 (248) 278 (278) 526 259 (259) 785 785 $55.00
2 Benjamin Martinez 257 (257) 236 (236) 493 258 (258) 751 751 $35.00
3 Shawn Morris 272 (268) 218 (214) 490 190 (186) 668 680 $20.00
4 Jared Symonds 220 (215) 253 (248) 473 221 (216) 679 694
5 Chris Lewicki 224 (193) 231 (200) 455 233 (202) 595 688
6 Becky Gresko 218 (213) 231 (226) 449 215 (210) 649 664
7 Almendra Lopez 227 (192) 213 (178) 440 370 440 elim
8 Brian Legnaioli 231 (220) 208 (197) 439 417 439 elim
9 Joseph Pennino 234 (212) 192 (170) 426 382 426 elim
10 Darrin Symonds 224 (224) 201 (201) 425 425 425 elim
11 Michael Lewis 219 (211) 180 (172) 399 383 399 elim
12 Jose Gilberto Gonzalez 214 (214) 214 214 elim
13 Brandon Cortez 213 (213) 213 213 elim
14 Amanda Simonson 207 (168) 168 207 elim
15 Gregory Jungels 202 (180) 180 202 elim
16 Brandi Marienau 200 (194) 194 200 elim
17 Greg Silverman 199 (190) 190 199 elim
18 Mike Dakof 198 (172) 172 198 elim
19t Stelios Kouvelas 164 (164) 164 164 elim
19t Keith Woods 164 (148) 148 164 elim
21 Cody Gjertsen 155 (141) 141 155 elim
22 Ryan Yanel 152 (152) 152 152 elim