2023 22-23 CATL EOY
Standings for 22-23 CATL EOY

Sun Elin 3-5 (final)
Sorted by: game 4,subtotal game 3
Sun Elin 3-5 3 4 5 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 CORQUIS CHISM 243 (233) 243 257 (247) 217 (207) 687 717 $80.00
2 CURTIS DORRELL 227 (202) 227 255 (230) 207 (182) 614 689 $40.00
3 ALEX THOMAS 230 (214) 230 250 (234) 246 (230) 678 726
4 CLIFF EDWARDS 240 (234) 240 230 (224) 215 (209) 667 685
5 GREG PAYNE 239 (201) 239 221 (183) 384 460 elim
6 DONOVAN LAMBERT 229 (212) 229 208 (191) 403 437 elim
7 MIKE PAYNE 234 (234) 234 207 (207) 441 441 elim
8t JOHN ANDERSON 217 (206) 217 206 217 elim
8t TIM HOLLINS JR 207 (204) 207 204 207 elim
8t JONATHAN MCMAHON 206 (186) 206 186 206 elim
8t LAWRENCE WILLIS IV 205 (205) 205 205 205 elim
8t THELTON COBB 203 (158) 203 158 203 elim
8t MICHAEL PAYNE 192 (177) 192 177 192 elim