2021 July 5-Game Sweeper
Standings for July 5-Game Sweeper

Handicap Eliminator (final)
Sorted by: game 3
Handicap Eliminator 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Ramon Ramos 180 (155) 202 (177) 215 (190) 196 (171) 693 793 $160.00 elim
2 Charles Kim 196 (157) 199 (160) 209 (170) 202 (163) 650 806 $70.00 elim
3 Jerry Bigas 230 (221) 210 (201) 205 (196) 252 (243) 184 (175) 1036 1081 $30.00
4 Leonard Salemme 183 (166) 207 (190) 203 (186) 195 (178) 720 788 elim
5 John Almodovar 189 (158) 195 (164) 202 (171) 186 (155) 648 772 elim
6 David Carcagente 188 (151) 217 (180) 199 (162) 257 (220) 234 (197) 910 1095
7 Tim Scheerer 216 (216) 184 (184) 198 (198) 230 (230) 207 (207) 1035 1035
8 Belinda Szymanski 198 (141) 185 (128) 172 (115) 247 (190) 172 (115) 689 974
9 David Sanchez 187 (156) 199 (168) 166 (135) 179 (148) 607 731 elim
10 Jonathan Andrews 255 (245) 222 (212) 165 (155) 612 642 elim
11 RAFAEL A. CRUZ 193 (160) 204 (171) 163 (130) 461 560 elim
12 Latanya Thompson 214 (178) 202 (166) 158 (122) 466 574 elim
13 Damian MIghty 259 (247) 196 (184) 157 (145) 576 612 elim
14 Jody Ellis-Scheerer 179 (179) 194 (194) 154 (154) 527 527 elim
15 Keith P Mattei 217 (192) 187 (162) 144 (119) 473 548 elim
16t Shaun Wilson 194 (153) 182 (141) 294 376 elim
16t Carlos Meza 202 (191) 180 (169) 360 382 elim
16t Michael Stea 191 (152) 178 (139) 291 369 elim
16t Samantha Richards 199 (143) 175 (119) 262 374 elim
16t Joneal Brunner 199 (180) 175 (156) 336 374 elim
16t John T. Campbell 197 (158) 167 (128) 286 364 elim
22t Breanna Vogel 175 (132) 132 175 elim
22t Dee Payne 174 (163) 163 174 elim
22t Michael Mojzak 170 (167) 167 170 elim
22t Will Meyer 165 (155) 155 165 elim
22t Terry Roedell 161 (161) 161 161 elim
22t Danny Aguilera 148 (103) 103 148 elim
22t Darell Smith 136 (118) 118 136 elim