2022 AG Proshops Sweeper April
Standings for AG Proshops Sweeper April

Elim Hdcp (final)
Sorted by: game 1,subtotal game 3,subtotal game 1
Elim Hdcp 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Scott Taylor 245 (206) 245 178 (139) 187 (148) 610 184 (145) 638 794 $80.00
2 Ace Chavis, Jr 225 (202) 225 185 (162) 183 (160) 593 191 (168) 692 784 $30.00
3 Anthony Cavanaugh 213 (163) 213 181 (131) 193 (143) 587 201 (151) 588 788 $10.00
4 HOMER BELLA 210 (165) 210 191 (146) 197 (152) 598 260 (215) 678 858
5 Daniel Romano 192 (142) 192 208 (158) 179 (129) 579 245 (195) 624 824
6 Zak Lett 182 (153) 182 162 (133) 197 (168) 541 182 (153) 607 723
7t MARCO DIECI 177 (132) 177 187 (142) 180 (135) 544 167 (122) 531 711
7t DANIEL VASQUEZ 177 (161) 177 169 (153) 191 (175) 537 210 (194) 683 747
9t Mitch Block, Sr 174 (135) 174 209 (170) 204 (165) 587 239 (200) 670 826
9t James C Ross 174 (131) 174 221 (178) 168 (125) 563 191 (148) 582 754
11t Ben Broomfield 166 (131) 166 240 (205) 228 (193) 634 227 (192) 721 861
11t Ronnie Huff 166 (141) 166 171 (146) 202 (177) 539 180 (155) 619 719
13t Ryan Melillo 165 (120) 165 198 (153) 187 (142) 550 243 (198) 613 793
13t Paul Rosenfeld 165 (135) 165 172 (142) 191 (161) 528 159 (129) 567 687
15 Walter Trychta 149 (100) 149 164 (115) 176 (127) 489 141 (92) 434 630
16 JJ Salomon 135 (113) 135 209 (187) 157 (135) 501 233 (211) 646 734