2022 Friday Night Sweeper
Standings for Friday Night Sweeper

Eliminator Side Pot (final)
Sorted by: subtotal game 1,game 2
Eliminator Side Pot 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Josh Millar 299 (299) 299 225 (225) 524 524 $85.00 elim
2 Nathan Neal 292 (262) 292 212 (182) 444 504 $40.00 elim
3 Shawn Vernon 275 (243) 275 237 (205) 224 (192) 640 736 $25.00 elim
4 Davis Lee 273 (257) 273 208 (192) 449 481 elim
5 Nathan Beamenderfer 266 (223) 266 280 (237) 265 (222) 263 (220) 902 1074
6 John Watson 257 (239) 257 251 (233) 227 (209) 200 (182) 863 935 elim
7 John Millard 251 (237) 251 249 (235) 292 (278) 241 (227) 977 1033
8 Alex Meola 247 (224) 247 241 (218) 263 (240) 237 (214) 896 988 elim
9 Davis Jason 245 (224) 245 235 (214) 213 (192) 630 693 elim
10 Kelly Thompson 234 (182) 234 244 (192) 219 (167) 541 697 elim
11 Ricco Brown 233 (230) 233 269 (266) 236 (233) 251 (248) 977 989
12 Steve Farris Jr. 230 (225) 230 249 (244) 283 (278) 204 (199) 946 966 elim
13 Brittany Vernon 230 (192) 230 192 230 elim
14 Ryan Vernon 228 (206) 228 206 228 elim
15 Corey Johnson 225 (225) 225 225 225 elim