Eliminator Side Pot (unofficial)
Sorted by: game team_hdcp_total,subtotal game 3
Eliminator Side Pot 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Sammy Seldot 308 (256) 263 (211) 211 (159) 782 626 782 elim
2 Peter Tuzzolino 232 (203) 285 (256) 242 (213) 759 672 759 elim
3 Richard Ruby 231 (212) 249 (230) 263 (244) 743 686 743 elim
4 Myers Brian 231 (179) 253 (201) 217 (165) 701 545 701 elim
5 Aaron Weeks 285 (257) 247 (219) 476 532 elim
6 Scott Evans 289 (249) 238 (198) 447 527 elim
7 James Saunders 272 (218) 239 (185) 403 511 elim
8 Jeremy Cruz 267 (254) 235 (222) 476 502 elim
9 James Hill 289 (250) 201 (162) 412 490 elim
10 Kyle Sheffield 270 (205) 219 (154) 359 489 elim
11 Randall Wheeler 269 (249) 214 (194) 443 483 elim
12 Devin Dantarth 233 (173) 242 (182) 355 475 elim
13 Herbie Bella 273 (215) 197 (139) 354 470 elim
14 Chad Ashley 226 (203) 203 226 elim
15 Justin Abbott 223 (185) 185 223 elim
16 Jeremy Hall 217 (189) 189 217 elim
17 Kyle Wolfman 214 (179) 179 214 elim
18 Derek Hammers 210 (187) 187 210 elim
19 Gary Smith 208 (161) 161 208 elim
20 Richard Patterson 204 (182) 182 204 elim
21 Scott Rothfusz 197 (134) 134 197 elim
22 Johnny Ferrell 195 (158) 158 195 elim