2022 Friday Night Meeting Sweeper
Standings for Friday Night Meeting Sweeper

Eliminator (unofficial)
Sorted by: game team_scratch_total
Eliminator 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Evan Mitten 279 (279) 244 (244) 217 (217) 740 740
2 Bryan Salmond 279 (267) 218 (206) 268 (256) 729 765
3 Dj Drebenstedt 222 (222) 262 (262) 233 (233) 717 717
4 Iane Hatfield 226 (226) 249 (249) 175 (175) 650 650
5 Jerry Stevens 223 (210) 236 (223) 214 (201) 634 673
6 Rodney Compton 236 (236) 216 (216) 452 452 elim
7 Scott Dillion 224 (224) 203 (203) 427 427 elim
8 Jason Howe 216 (207) 209 (200) 407 425 elim
9 Dewayne Perry 208 (208) 208 208 elim
10 Dusty Evinger 203 (202) 202 203 elim
11 Jay Grayless 186 (186) 186 186 elim
12 John McWilliams 183 (183) 183 183 elim