2023 KOH at Strathmore 1/13/2023
Standings for KOH at Strathmore 1/13/2023

Handicap Eliminator (unofficial)
Sorted by: game team_scratch_total
Handicap Eliminator 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Tom Scrifigano 228 (212) 224 (208) 226 (210) 630 678
2 Chris Procida 238 (190) 224 (176) 241 (193) 559 703
3 Pat Fitzgerald 204 (180) 222 (198) 181 (157) 535 607
4 Vincent Desimone 215 (167) 237 (189) 182 (134) 490 634
5 Gagliano Frankie 241 (225) 186 (170) 395 427 elim
6 Justin Henderson 204 (188) 194 (178) 366 398 elim
7 Mike Molotschko 209 (188) 183 (162) 350 392 elim
8 Willie Mendez 247 (195) 189 (137) 332 436 elim
9 Robbie Guzman 198 (196) 196 198 elim
10 John Prestigicamo 189 (179) 179 189 elim
11 Ross Tudisco 194 (176) 176 194 elim
12 Marc Avena 178 (171) 171 178 elim
13 Jordan Malizia 149 (149) 149 149 elim
14 Tommy Tavolaro 171 (147) 147 171 elim
15 Ernie Eisenbaugh 171 (135) 135 171 elim