2023 Hambone Trios
Standings for Hambone Trios

Handicap Eliminator (unofficial)
Sorted by: game 3
Handicap Eliminator 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Johnny Lightle 260 (246) 266 (252) 301 (287) 785 827 $50.00
2 Roger Adams 226 (226) 235 (235) 226 (226) 687 687 $30.00
3 Eric Selzer 235 (235) 249 (249) 225 (225) 709 709 elim
4t Nathan Yoder 219 (218) 216 (215) 433 435 elim
4t Calvin Thomas 229 (212) 173 (156) 368 402 elim
6t Howard Gray 200 (194) 194 200 elim
6t Adrianne Hardy 199 (159) 159 199 elim
6t Rusty Walter 191 (191) 191 191 elim
6t Rick Davis 188 (160) 160 188 elim