2023 Stromies Memorial Trios Tournament
Standings for Stromies Memorial Trios Tournament

Eliminator Handicap (unofficial)
Sorted by: subtotal game 2
Eliminator Handicap 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Kevin Foit 240 (211) 230 (201) 470 184 (155) 567 654
2 Brian Difeo 250 (223) 201 (174) 451 263 (236) 633 714
3 Steve Conard 182 (144) 259 (221) 441 188 (150) 515 629
4t Andy Hitch 218 (209) 221 (212) 439 222 (213) 634 661
4t Joseph Loyd JR 222 (199) 217 (194) 439 214 (191) 584 653
6 Jacob Warner 219 (184) 199 (164) 418 176 (141) 489 594
7 Keith Layne 190 (136) 226 (172) 416 222 (168) 476 638
8t Nick Szymanski 196 (136) 218 (158) 414 240 (180) 474 654
8t Dawn Bond 200 (108) 214 (122) 414 210 (118) 348 624
10 Will Schindley 217 (204) 196 (183) 413 202 (189) 576 615
11 Rick Adams 176 (143) 234 (201) 410 184 (151) 495 594
12 Joe Watkins 184 (152) 222 (190) 406 188 (156) 498 594
13 Rob Mannon 211 (198) 171 (158) 382 236 (223) 579 618
14 Joseph Loyd III 179 (171) 201 (193) 380 177 (169) 533 557
15 Charles Sharp 166 (146) 202 (182) 368 218 (198) 526 586
16t Kevin Hitch 145 (97) 217 (169) 362 239 (191) 457 601
16t Harvey Keenan 193 (178) 169 (154) 362 188 (173) 505 550
18 James Adamson SR 179 (146) 182 (149) 361 225 (192) 487 586
19 James Adamson JR 149 (122) 189 (162) 338 211 (184) 468 549
20 Eliana Carr 172 (145) 163 (136) 335 196 (169) 450 531
21 Kyle Hutchinson 158 (133) 170 (145) 328 179 (154) 432 507