2023 Strathmore KOH
Standings for Strathmore KOH

Handicap Eliminator (unofficial)
Sorted by: game 1
Handicap Eliminator 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Sam Sieracki 321 (277) 223 (179) 456 544 $70.00 elim
2 Rich Picone 283 (258) 273 (248) 165 (140) 646 721 $30.00
3 Mike Guzman 264 (259) 192 (187) 446 456 $20.00 elim
4 Ryan Paris 252 (191) 234 (173) 258 (197) 561 744
5 Tiffany Newbury 248 (222) 219 (193) 415 467 elim
6 Bob Sampson 247 (233) 314 (300) 250 (236) 769 811
7 Robbie Guzman 239 (237) 237 239 elim
8 Willie Melendez 234 (182) 182 234 elim
9 Chris Germain 222 (190) 190 222 elim
10 Brett Strycharz 216 (209) 209 216 elim
11 Andrew Lazarchick 208 (201) 201 208 elim
12 Tom Tooley 201 (179) 179 201 elim