2020 King of the Hill - HDCP Week 1
Standings for Side Action

High Game Pots Wed Sep 2 at 7:00
Game $
Game 1
James Wilson 301 (255+46)
George Everett 268 (259+9)
Brittney Eddington 261 (191+70)
Bryan Bowers 246 (237+9)
Kelly Stevens 231 (211+20)
Chris Armstrong 224 (192+32)
Blake Hall 220 (203+17)
Justin Eddington 219 (179+40)
Jimmy Wilson 218 (180+38)
Jacob Chambers 215 (202+13)
Skyler Pemberton 208 (201+7)
Zack Pope 203 (192+11)
Bryan Barksdale 200 (182+18)
Keith Williams 198 (189+9)
Drake Mullen 188 (165+23)
Justin Neff 184 (175+9)
Game 2
Jimmy Wilson 234 (196+38)
Drake Mullen 231 (208+23)
Kelly Stevens 225 (205+20)
Justin Neff 224 (215+9)
James Wilson 222 (176+46)
Skyler Pemberton 217 (210+7)
Brittney Eddington 216 (146+70)
Keith Williams 216 (207+9)
Chris Armstrong 211 (179+32)
George Everett 211 (202+9)
Blake Hall 209 (192+17)
Jacob Chambers 207 (194+13)
Bryan Bowers 206 (197+9)
Zack Pope 192 (181+11)
Bryan Barksdale 185 (167+18)
Justin Eddington 174 (134+40)
Game 3
George Everett 288 (279+9)
Kelly Stevens 238 (218+20)
Brittney Eddington 235 (165+70)
Bryan Bowers 235 (226+9)
Chris Armstrong 233 (201+32)
Drake Mullen 231 (208+23)
Justin Neff 224 (215+9)
Blake Hall 214 (197+17)
Bryan Barksdale 212 (194+18)
Justin Eddington 210 (170+40)
Skyler Pemberton 210 (203+7)
Keith Williams 208 (199+9)
James Wilson 201 (155+46)
Jimmy Wilson 193 (155+38)
Zack Pope 192 (181+11)
Jacob Chambers 191 (178+13)
Game 4
Jacob Chambers 258 (245+13)
Zack Pope 257 (246+11)
Justin Eddington 254 (214+40)
Justin Neff 248 (239+9)
Kelly Stevens 243 (223+20)
Brittney Eddington 240 (170+70)
Keith Williams 240 (231+9)
James Wilson 218 (172+46)
Blake Hall 217 (200+17)
Bryan Bowers 217 (208+9)
George Everett 214 (205+9)
Jimmy Wilson 210 (172+38)
Drake Mullen 205 (182+23)
Skyler Pemberton 199 (192+7)
Bryan Barksdale 172 (154+18)
Chris Armstrong 163 (131+32)