2020 King of the Hill - HDCP Week 11
Standings for Side Action

High Game Pots Wed Feb 3 at 7:00
Game $
Game 1
Chris McDaniel 296 (258+38)
Blake Hall 258 (250+8)
Jacob Chambers 246 (233+13)
Trey Robbins 233 (226+7)
Justin Neff 225 (219+6)
George Everett 217 (212+5)
Drake Mullen 216 (212+4)
Brittney Eddington 211 (157+54)
Justin Eddington 204 (168+36)
Kelly Stevens 201 (186+15)
Chris Armstrong 189 (170+19)
Travis Caldwell 184 (174+10)
Ryan Mansfield 175 (163+12)
Thomas Williams 175 (160+15)
Game 2
Ryan Mansfield 289 (277+12)
Jacob Chambers 282 (269+13)
Drake Mullen 242 (238+4)
Chris McDaniel 239 (201+38)
Justin Neff 230 (224+6)
Thomas Williams 228 (213+15)
Justin Eddington 224 (188+36)
Blake Hall 223 (215+8)
George Everett 220 (215+5)
Travis Caldwell 216 (206+10)
Brittney Eddington 210 (156+54)
Chris Armstrong 210 (191+19)
Kelly Stevens 199 (184+15)
Trey Robbins 199 (192+7)
Game 3
Ryan Mansfield 268 (256+12)
Trey Robbins 243 (236+7)
George Everett 243 (238+5)
Thomas Williams 242 (227+15)
Justin Neff 242 (236+6)
Drake Mullen 230 (226+4)
Justin Eddington 229 (193+36)
Kelly Stevens 221 (206+15)
Chris McDaniel 219 (181+38)
Jacob Chambers 196 (183+13)
Brittney Eddington 188 (134+54)
Chris Armstrong 183 (164+19)
Travis Caldwell 182 (172+10)
Blake Hall 160 (152+8)
Game 4
Chris McDaniel 306 (268+38)
Jacob Chambers 274 (261+13)
George Everett 252 (247+5)
Blake Hall 244 (236+8)
Travis Caldwell 244 (234+10)
Thomas Williams 225 (210+15)
Ryan Mansfield 223 (211+12)
Justin Neff 221 (215+6)
Brittney Eddington 200 (146+54)
Chris Armstrong 187 (168+19)
Justin Eddington 177 (141+36)
Kelly Stevens 176 (161+15)
Trey Robbins 160 (153+7)
Drake Mullen 160 (156+4)