2020 King of the Hill - Top 12 Finals
Standings for Side Action

Hdcp Game Pots Wed Mar 10 at 7:00
Game $
Game 1
Kevin Vandehey 251 (214+37)
Drake Mullen 242 (236+6)
Chad Barrett 220 (220+0)
Ryan Mansfield 205 (192+13)
Kelly Stevens 181 (172+9)
Chris McDaniel 178 (150+28)
Brittney Eddington 176 (126+50)
Taylor Adams 171 (158+13)
Justin Neff 166 (161+5)
Blake Hall 165 (163+2)
Game 2
Kevin Vandehey 240 (203+37)
Taylor Adams 237 (224+13)
Drake Mullen 237 (231+6)
Chris McDaniel 214 (186+28)
Kelly Stevens 205 (196+9)
Justin Neff 197 (192+5)
Blake Hall 185 (183+2)
Chad Barrett 179 (179+0)
Brittney Eddington 174 (124+50)
Ryan Mansfield 170 (157+13)
Game 3
Blake Hall 217 (215+2)
Brittney Eddington 200 (150+50)
Drake Mullen 190 (184+6)
Justin Neff 188 (183+5)
Kevin Vandehey 183 (146+37)
Taylor Adams 181 (168+13)
Chris McDaniel 181 (153+28)
Kelly Stevens 175 (166+9)
Ryan Mansfield 172 (159+13)
Chad Barrett 169 (169+0)
Game 4
Kevin Vandehey 238 (201+37)
Kelly Stevens 235 (226+9)
Chris McDaniel 226 (198+28)
Blake Hall 224 (222+2)
Taylor Adams 219 (206+13)
Drake Mullen 194 (188+6)
Ryan Mansfield 187 (174+13)
Brittney Eddington 179 (129+50)
Justin Neff 175 (170+5)
Chad Barrett 175 (175+0)