2022 King of the Hill Hdcp #3
Standings for Side Action

High Game Pots Wed Oct 12 at 7:00
Game $
Game 1
Ronnie Berry 277 (222+55)
John Johnson 249 (233+16)
Tommy Ashcraft 244 (220+24)
Collin Strother 231 (212+19)
Thomas Williams 226 (215+11)
Jeremiah Tribble 225 (189+36)
Skyler Pemberton 223 (214+9)
Kelly Stevens 222 (213+9)
Chase Branum 209 (187+22)
Kiante Depree 203 (182+21)
Richie Tharp 200 (170+30)
George Everett 197 (181+16)
Game 2
Richie Tharp 289 (259+30)
Kelly Stevens 267 (258+9)
John Johnson 252 (236+16)
Kiante Depree 235 (214+21)
Jeremiah Tribble 232 (196+36)
George Everett 227 (211+16)
Collin Strother 225 (206+19)
Chase Branum 219 (197+22)
Tommy Ashcraft 216 (192+24)
Thomas Williams 213 (202+11)
Ronnie Berry 190 (135+55)
Skyler Pemberton 184 (175+9)
Game 3
Tommy Ashcraft 259 (235+24)
Kelly Stevens 254 (245+9)
Chase Branum 250 (228+22)
Jeremiah Tribble 241 (205+36)
Richie Tharp 226 (196+30)
Ronnie Berry 214 (159+55)
Kiante Depree 213 (192+21)
Collin Strother 212 (193+19)
Thomas Williams 212 (201+11)
Skyler Pemberton 209 (200+9)
George Everett 197 (181+16)
John Johnson 179 (163+16)