2023 King of the Hill Hdcp #11
Standings for Side Action

HDCP High Game Wed Feb 8 at 7:00
Game $
Game 1
Dominic Robertson 259 (203+56)
Richie Tharp 241 (216+25)
Kelly Stevens 236 (236+0)
John Johnson 210 (195+15)
Geoge Everett 191 (175+16)
Tanner Seal 186 (186+0)
Ronnie Berry 183 (149+34)
Game 2
Tanner Seal 258 (258+0)
Richie Tharp 238 (213+25)
Dominic Robertson 232 (176+56)
Ronnie Berry 222 (188+34)
Geoge Everett 215 (199+16)
John Johnson 207 (192+15)
Kelly Stevens 205 (205+0)
Game 3
Kelly Stevens 257 (257+0)
Dominic Robertson 249 (193+56)
Ronnie Berry 223 (189+34)
John Johnson 198 (183+15)
Geoge Everett 197 (181+16)
Richie Tharp 194 (169+25)
Tanner Seal 191 (191+0)