2024 King of the Hill Challenge #4
Standings for Side Action

Hdcp High Game Wed Oct 30 at 7:00
Game $
Game 1
Kelly Stevens 250 (238+12)
Richie Tharp 232 (217+15)
John Johnson 198 (193+5)
Cornell Jackson 197 (179+18)
Marcus Tucker 182 (171+11)
Game 2
John Johnson 281 (276+5)
Richie Tharp 262 (247+15)
Kelly Stevens 259 (247+12)
Cornell Jackson 209 (191+18)
Marcus Tucker 181 (170+11)
Game 3
Kelly Stevens 262 (250+12)
Richie Tharp 254 (239+15)
Cornell Jackson 242 (224+18)
Marcus Tucker 227 (216+11)
John Johnson 193 (188+5)
Game 4
Marcus Tucker 225 (214+11)
Kelly Stevens 225 (213+12)
Cornell Jackson 215 (197+18)
Richie Tharp 207 (192+15)
John Johnson 196 (191+5)
Game 5
Cornell Jackson 230 (212+18)
John Johnson 212 (207+5)
Richie Tharp 208 (193+15)
Kelly Stevens 202 (190+12)
Marcus Tucker 193 (182+11)