2024 CATL 11-3-24 Week 7 Thunder Rolls
Standings for CATL 11-3-24 Week 7 Thunder Rolls

$5 Elim 1-3
Sorted by: last game
$5 Elim 1-3 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 MIKE PAYNE 222 (213) 219 (210) 268 (259) 682 709 $30.00
2 KEENAN CAMP 210 (186) 249 (225) 222 (198) 609 681 $20.00
3 QUADIR BROADWAY 288 (261) 237 (210) 206 (179) 650 731 $10.00
4 BRETT DANIEL 240 (209) 253 (222) 183 (152) 583 676
5 BRUCE THOMAS 219 (179) 209 (169) 348 428 elim
6 KYLE LOVELL 227 (188) 195 (156) 344 422 elim
7 THELTON COBB 261 (226) 180 (145) 371 441 elim
8 VICTOR THOMAS 207 (179) 179 207 elim
9 CLIFF EDWARDS 197 (193) 193 197 elim
10 CHAD LOVE 194 (176) 176 194 elim
11 MIKE KELLEY 187 (171) 171 187 elim
12 RON GOZA 180 (153) 153 180 elim
13 KELVIN ROBERSON 176 (133) 133 176 elim