2024-2025 Thursday Nite Open
Standings for Thursday Nite Open

Eliminator Side Pot
Sorted by: last game
Eliminator Side Pot 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 John Balasa Jr. 237 (237) 246 (246) 257 (257) 740 740 $80.00
2 Kirsten Carter 235 (210) 259 (234) 230 (205) 649 724 $40.00
3 Kenneth Brown 255 (244) 270 (259) 223 (212) 715 748 $20.00
4 Alex Ash 238 (224) 230 (216) 209 (195) 635 677
5 Dona Dunkelberger 215 (169) 223 (177) 207 (161) 507 645
6 Ryan Wright 214 (199) 226 (211) 203 (188) 598 643
7 Jeff Bratcher 222 (201) 223 (202) 201 (180) 583 646
8 Samantha Newman 241 (192) 220 (171) 188 (139) 502 649
9 Josh Henderson 227 (161) 213 (147) 308 440 elim
10 Keith Smith 278 (278) 212 (212) 490 490 elim
11 Dustin McMahan 205 (205) 196 (196) 401 401 elim
12 Kawika Glover 206 (199) 192 (185) 384 398 elim
13 Bob Money 233 (222) 182 (171) 393 415 elim
14t Jackie Shanahan 237 (182) 174 (119) 301 411 elim
14t Earl Howard 215 (183) 174 (142) 325 389 elim
16 Frank Lindsey 199 (171) 171 199 elim
17 Bob Bates III 198 (194) 194 198 elim
18t Terry Meredith 197 (167) 167 197 elim
18t Nick Brown 197 (170) 170 197 elim
20 Alex Humes 195 (195) 195 195 elim
21t Joesph Durbin 190 (180) 180 190 elim
21t Lori Weasenforth 190 (162) 162 190 elim
23 Duke Truax 189 (189) 189 189 elim
24 Bobby Ash Jr. 186 (171) 171 186 elim
25 Chris Martin 183 (183) 183 183 elim
26 Alan Shackelford 182 (178) 178 182 elim
27 Ray Coogle 177 (174) 174 177 elim
28 Chris Marcum 166 (162) 162 166 elim
29 Tyler Goodman 160 (159) 159 160 elim