2024 SINGLES - 9 Pin No Tap - AUGUST
Standings for SINGLES - 9 Pin No Tap - AUGUST

Scratch Singles
Scratch Singles 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch From Cut Prize
1 James Creutz 288 298 300 254 1140 $130.00
2 Joey Alexander 277 278 287 288 1130 10
3 Tony Perin 251 241 290 252 1034 106
4 Ryan Constantine 256 278 174 300 1008 132
5 Michael Italia 278 261 211 243 993 147
6 Richard Nicholson 186 300 258 231 975 165
7 Luke Italia 278 234 237 152 901 239

Scan for Standings