2024 SINGLES - 9 Pin No Tap - AUGUST
Standings for SINGLES - 9 Pin No Tap - AUGUST

WOMEN'S HDCP SINGLES 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Cut Prize
1 Jennifer Alexander 265 264 265 276 1070 1294 $50.00
2 Karin Miller 192 242 218 266 918 1142 152
3 Pamela Stewart 178 254 242 277 951 1131 163
4 Jess Atamanchuk 265 210 187 200 862 1130 164
5 TJ Williams 208 214 197 190 809 1033 261
6 Heidi White 152 187 162 170 671 987 307

Scan for Standings