2024 SINGLES - 9 Pin No Tap - AUGUST
Standings for SINGLES - 9 Pin No Tap - AUGUST

Senior HDCP Singles
Senior HDCP Singles 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Cut Prize
1 William White 300 290 300 241 1131 1263 $50.00
2 Ernie Majoras 278 278 290 224 1070 1198 65
3 Steve Perin 298 266 205 278 1047 1155 108
4 Robert Wukasch 231 241 298 266 1036 1120 143
5 Matty Robinson 210 190 245 216 861 1009 254
6 Heidi White 152 187 162 170 671 987 276

Scan for Standings